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Monday, December 17, 2012

Him Law & Mandy Wong: Bickers Out Love Sparks

Solid Collaboration

From Suspects in Love, L'Escargot, The Hippocratic Crush, Tiger Cubs to Divas In Distress, Mandy Wong and Him Law have already collaborated five times. Without prior consultation, they both expressed they have a familiar feeling mutually. Him Him compared them in Suspects In Love to them today, back then they were still in the stage of school boy and girl: "That time it was our naive period, then each time we collaborated again, we witnessed each others' improvements. I've realized I have quite a bit of fate with Mandy because I'm often playing a bickering pair with her. I can say I know her pretty well, even what she likes and doesn't like to eat, I remember it all." Although they aren't a couple in every series, Him Him thinks he's most comfortable with Mandy as an on-screen couple: "Because I really understand her rhythm, and we're also very good friends in real life. When we play a couple and have intimate scenes, there is no embarrassment between us. This makes our acting a lot more natural."

Grew Up Together

Mandy frankly expressed through her collaborations with Him Him, she's able to see their growth: "From our first series and the many different series we individually participated in, we both accumulated acting experience. Until we collaborated again this time, I can see we have both grew up and matured. Back in Suspects In Love, my relationship was with Him was more direct, but this time our romantic storyline is a lot longer and detailed. Its a refreshing love story." Mandy has scenes opposite of Him Him in many series: "When I first found out we were going to be a couple again, I was a little worried. I feared audience were already bored of watching us, but this time the public's reaction was definitely a surprise. Some viewers left messages, commenting on how their smiles came out from the heart as they watched the developments in our relationship. So, what pleases me the most this time is that we were able to bring out a new and refreshing feeling of love."

No Longer Impulsive

In the series, Chak Yau Sing is a person that is protected [by his mother]. Since his elder sister (Chak Ting Yam) passed away, his mother Ying Hung (Liza Wang) placed all her hopes on him. Him Him said the greatest breakthrough for him in playing Chak Yau Sing was he's no longer impulsive: "My past roles, such as Yu Hok Lai in Tiger Cubs, were all on the impulsive side, but Chak Yau Sing is more restrained because Liza Jeh's role has put a lot of pressure on him since youth. He is also a very contradicting person, often times he wants to be a big man, but on the inside he's still a little boy. To me, the role Chak Yau Sing, was slightly harder to grasp, but at the same time I think its very refreshing."

Takes More Initiatives Than Yau Sing

Chak Yau Sing went from hating Kwai Yee Hei to loving her, but he didn't have the courage to confess his love to her. He would just borrow his authority at work to order her to do things for him, just so he could spend more time with her. Him Him said, in reality, he definitely won't be as passive as Yau Sing: "Perhaps when it comes to love, every individual will display similar qualities as Yau Sing, like for example, if Yee Hei didn't take initiative to tell Yau Sing about her past, then Yau Sing wouldn't ask either. I would have the same thoughts too, but I wouldn't do what Yau Sing did because I understand one of us must take the first step. Especially as the guy, you cannot worry too much, after all I will forever be the one at fault. Haha."

Mandy plays Kwai Yee Hei, a renovation worker in training, she grew up with a bunch of men and an aunt Sing Ho (Gigi Wong) with a tomboy personality. Thus, she was raised to have a bold and frank personality as well. Mandy said she had to have self-regulation while shooting the series, "Yee Hei is a character tough on the outside, but soft on the inside. As the area she is most attractive is her interior pure and gentle personality, but she feels inferior about her background and past. When we were shooting, I cannot be too rough because Yau Sing will eventually fall for Yee Hei so I have to convey qualities of strong on the outside, but weak on the inside. This way, people can feel the pitiful love."

Similar to Kwai Yee Hei

Yee Hei likes to graffiti, even if she has to risk the danger of breaking the law, she still won't give up on it. Mandy believed she is similar to Yee Hei as she also does not give up on the things she likes to do, "I also like to focus on the things I like to do, such as acting. Aside from work, my view on love is the same as Yee Hei. Because Yee Hei feels inferior, she retreats from her relationship with Yau Sing. I'm not a courageous person myself and my views on love is similar, I would follow his footsteps, he takes a step, then I take a step."

The Most Touching Scenes
Him thought the most touching scene was when he helped Yee Hei fill out all the prize drawing tickets: "When Yee Hei stood there at the department store, having no idea what to do, Yau Sing comes up and helps her fill out all 60 plus tickets. I think a lot of people would think this was a touching scene too. When we were shooting that scene, I actually did write the three words 'Kwai Yee Hei' on each ticket, my hand got all numb."

Mandy thought the scene where she and Yau Sing were hugging on the busy street was the most touching: "That time, it was my first time shooting on the busy streets. There were people surrounding us from all around, I really had to focus on shooting the scene as if nobody was around. I could only do it when I see only Yau Sing in front of me."

A Word From the Producer

In Divas In Distress, almost everyone has some sort of grudge on the people around them. The two mothers are against one another and even the lovers have resentment. Producer Poon Ka Tak expressed he hoped to convey an important message through this drama: "There are a lot of people in this world, who each have something they aren't satisfied with and they often bring this resentment into life. But they have never thought if they were to put down the resentment, then life would feel a lot more relaxing. Many people say there is a Dooms Day but if it's true, then what are those resentments considered to be? Therefore, I hope viewers will not only enjoy watching the series but also understand this positive message."

Source: TVB Weekly#795, Scan Credits to Weibo @yvonne_lly
Translated by: aZnangel @ AsianEU Forum

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