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Monday, August 27, 2012

Him Law Enjoys Upsetting Mandy Wong as His Entertainment

Mandy Wong and Him Law were once a rumored couple, but are indeed very good friends in private. Facing a slow to get familiar Mandy, Him loves to challenge her limits the most. He does everything he could to make fun of her. It's not only until Mandy makes an angry face when Him feels entertained. Once he got his fun, he stops, no wonder Mandy also puts away her anger not long after. So that's why we say, there must be one 'concave' and one 'convex' for a successful friendship!

Rumored Couple Mutual Sarcasm

M - Mandy Wong ; H - Him Law

H: You basically don't want me to find out that you're actually secretly looking at me, otherwise how do you know I got a nice body! I really like teasing you, you're always just so silly and stupid, don't even know the basics. Like you don't even know how to put the plug in the socket right.

M: Girls want to wait for someone to come take care of her. I'm just playing dumb! Then how come you got yourself a 42' chest? When from a slim guy to a big guy?

H: I've watched too many Western films. I think besides the actor's acting, their body shape is also very important. So I copied them, and started working out when we were shooting Suspects in Love. Tak Gor (producer Poon Ka Tak) gave me two types of sports to choose from, I chose the sport where I can show my body, which was boxing.

M: Then you even changed your image completely?

H: Everyone accepted it after the series came out, and I even had to take off my shirt when I was interviewed, so I kept this secondary image. Well then, did I attract you?

M: You rarely take off your shirt in front of me. No! Because your chest is bigger than mines, I can't even compare if I put on 10 bras, but I don't really like slim figures. It's good to have some meat. You have your strengths too, considerate and attentive. Its quite enjoyable partnering up with you.

H: I know I got a bad mouth, always bullying you.

M: Yeah! I don't know how I handle it and don't attack back.

H: Because I'm a bite of sugar and another bite of feces.

M: That's just one of the tricks to pursue girls.

H: I pursued you before?

M: Nope! I mean you can use that when you pursue girls. I didn't say I like you either, you think too much and have a flirty mouth.

H: That's why I got you involved! In the 13 rumored girlfriends, your one of them. Luckily we don't mind.

M: Actually if I wanted to get to know a guy deeper, I'm actually very passive and slow to get familiar, but once I get familiar, I can tell you everything.

H: That time, you wanted to get to know me deeper.

M: Why? Don't make up a story!

H: Haha! That's why I like you getting bullied. When I tease you, once you get upset, I get really happy because I know you'll just be upset for a moment and then you'll be fine.

Wants A Matured Partner

M: To some extent, I understand you pretty well. Virgo men like to protect themselves. They may seem like they have a lot to say on the outside, but then they are really afraid to let people see deep inside.

H: That's why I'm not really friends with you, have to keep some distance, otherwise if I end up dragging you into something in the future, then that wouldn't be too good. When I'm in trouble, do people call you?

M: Basically whatever happens to you, people would call me immediately. The problem is I still need to find myself a partner too! About my requirements, I don't think age is much of an issue, the main requirement is he must be able to take care of me and be mature.

H: You're a 'little woman' in front of your lover. You really accommodate others and don't get upset easily. When I was younger and dated, I would think about the girl's height, but now I think more maturely. As long as we get along comfortably and have common ideals. Most important is, can this person be with you for life.

First On-Screen Kiss Given to Him

H: Back then I met you when we were shooting Suspects in Love. I thought you were really different on and off screen. In the series, you were really stupid, but after work, you're like a pretty girl. This is the most memorable, your first on-screen kiss was given to me, and you took the initiative too!

M: My first impression on you was that bad boy (死靚仔), but after getting to know you, it turns out you're quite a gentleman.

H: This series was our turning point. Bulky Boy and Shy Girl .

M: Before I was the mean "Kwan Yee So", people never forgotten the Shy Girl.

H: Then I had fate with you, I encountered you in every series. We had all sorts of relationships before, even as a couple. Even the producer didn't know we played a couple several times.

M: I thought I didn't have to kiss you in this series.

H: At first, you weren't willing to! It was only after they convinced you, that you were willing to.

M: She's a Shy Girl, how would she take the initiative to kiss a guy? Actually, I'm more than willing to give my first on-screen kiss to you, but if I don't have to, of course that's the best!

H: Perhaps you give people the impression that you take initiatives, but also hide your emotions at the same time. You have to spark with someone first. It is the slow to get familiar type.

M: During Suspects In Love, I thought we don't talk much, but surprisingly you provoked me to talk in the van.

H: You also didn't look like the Mandy you are today. I'm still the same Him, known to talk loudly. Do you remember in Suspects, I always went topless, and asked you why you were looking at me?

M: At the time, I was thinking "What are you doing? You think you're really hot?"

Epilogue: When Him & Mandy Meet, So Loud like a Street Market

On cameras, Mandy speaks a few words, but in private, she's such a chatterbox. She often adds a few English words too, making herself seem like a silly girl. Just like that day during the interview with Him kept teasing her, she couldn't find a place to jump in, but then she kept repeating to Him: "Ask me questions! (in English) Didn't you have a lot to say!" But, Him careless and continued to make his sarcastic look: "You keep repeating that statement, so noisy!" The two bickering constantly, neither of them were willing to give in, and eventually turned the whole restaurant into a "lively" and loud street market!"

Source: Oriental Daily
Translated by: aZnangel @ AsianEU Forum

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