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Monday, August 27, 2012

Mandy Wong interviews Kenneth Ma on Acting and Dating

Known as the second 'seun poon' (best deal) in the industry, TVB Siu Sang Kenneth Ma is quite stubborn when it comes to love. He does not believe in love at first sight and refuses to just choose a girlfriend based on her looks. Everything starts from friendship. As for Mandy Wong, she also believes the most important in a relationship is communication. Although she's been through a failed relationship, she's has not been discouraged.

K - Kenneth Ma ; M - Mandy Wong

K: I thought you were a gentle girl before I met you because Miss HK are the ring of light, beauty and wisdom are important qualities. However, after I met you, based on your personality, I wondered why you decided to run for Miss HK and not just directly enter the Artistes Training Class.

M: When Triumph in the Skies was airing, I was still a flight attendant and back then I had a small crush on you. After I entered the industry, I had pleasant collaborations. Before I collaborated with you, I thought you didn't speak much, but after getting to know you, I found out you are actually very flirty. However, overall you are easy-going and don't have an attitude. You are more than willing to share your personal experiences with your juniors and peers. It's very comfortable.

K: In terms of acting, I think you are pretty flexible and from your appearance, many different roles fit you. Your not just limited to gentle and nice girls, but you can also be bitchy. There are many FaDans in TVB who have limitations because of their appearance and voice.

M: Well then, after collaborating with me in The Hippocratic Crush, what was most memorable for you?

Flirty Kenneth, No Complaints

K: You kissed me! I remember that day, you were so nervous. Perhaps you don't have many scenes where you kiss the boy, so I tried the lighten up the atmosphere as best as I could. I joked and said it be best if you kissed me a few more times!

M: I wasn't that nervous, I was scared though because I had to take the initiative. You have a strong fan base, I was afraid they would hate me. Usually I won't initiate kisses, but in the series, I had to take initiative for both you and Benjamin Yuen. That moment, I had to convince myself first.

K: I thought your kiss with Benjamin Yuen was more natural, maybe because you did the scene with me first, and with that experience, you were able to pick up faster.

M: Why do you flirt with girls in every series?

K: I just want them to feel more relaxed! Earlier when I was shooting Tiger Cubs with JJ Jia, she was very nervous because she had to wear sexy clothing, so I just tried to compliment her.

M: What happens when you actually want to pursue a female artist? Then she won't trust you because you treat every girl the same way.

K: Well she will feel it from on my serious eye expressions. Girls are very sensitive, but after all this time, I haven't had any complaints.

M: Why don't you tell us more about your acting experiences. I think you can handle any kind of role. From a good boy to a villain, you are okay. There is a large range in my roles, and I would get into that character for several months too. How about you?

K: Me too, but I never had a time where I couldn't pull myself out of the character. A lot of the acting skills are paved out. There is no special image for artists that is most advantageous to them. When you have no shackles, then you would do anything, so I don't mind how people think of me.

Been Scolded Unpleasantly By Others

M: Have anyone ever scolded you with unpleasant words?

K: Of course, when I first debuted, people scolded me with profanity too. Perhaps they were someone else's fan, so they attacked me, but I was still very calm. I just smiled and moved on. Every artist has been scolded before. Even Film Kings get scolded by people, so don't get too into what the public says.

M: Then you must teach me. Because of my roles from L'Escargot and The Hippocratic Crush, I had a lot of people yelling at me. At first, I wasn't used to it and felt unhappy. I thought people were yelling at me, but later because the series started changing, so people liked me again. So, sometimes I think its best not to look at the comments.

K: Just see it as a joke. You have to stay open-minded. There are a lot of other things attached to artists, such as getting scolded by the public and followed by the media, it's all included in the salary you get. No matter how good your image is, there will always be people that don't like you! If you can't accept it, then you might want to get another job.

Peaceful Breakups, Never Had a Painful Relationship

M: How did you pursue girls before?

K: She can see my coherent behavior. I don't really have any tactics, I'm pretty boring actually. Each time, my girlfriend naturally starts off as a friend. Rarely do I have love at first sight, I have to at least get to know her for some time first and it's not about good looks for me. I will start from her personality and if we get along. Whether if we match or not, that is the most important. Even if she's beautiful, I'll eventually get bored!

M: What tactics do you have?

K: Just start by going out, watching a movie and having dinner. The more we chat the more we get to know each other, I don't mind if people see us on the streets. You have to go out if you want to meet friends. It wouldn't be good to ask her to go to your house on the first day. That will frighten her.

M: Then what?

K: It just naturally happens, hold her hand! I personally don't like places with too many people. If a girl is with me, I like to be at home more. The majority of my ex-girlfriends, they were okay with it. Some would really insist, but small matters, just try to accommodate as much as possible. For bigger issues, we have to have the same views. I am definitely not a 'big man'.

M: You're a 'woman soup ball' (popular among women, a man that knows how to please women)

K: You're the first person to compliment like that.

M: There are many ways to describe a 'woman soup ball'. Some people use their mouth or try to seduce. You're an easy going person. One time, when I was eating with you, you said you liked girls that have a lot to say.

K: If we are both mute, then that's a huge problem. Often times, my girlfriend are more talkative than I am.

M: Your not afraid of noisy girls?

K: Well I have to see to what extent. Sometimes I like peace and quiet, then the girl will have to accommodate that.

M: I'm very good at that and very easy-going. I know how to watch for the situation. Before, it was really difficult for me to start from friends, but now I'm slowly accepting it. I can get to know the person first. Fate is very important too, chemistry can be slowly developed.

K: I haven't had a really painful relationship before, usually its peaceful break ups. There will definitely be times where a couple gets into arguments, even when the fight gets intense, I won't beat women. When something is wrong, I don't speak up. I just say a few words, and to express my dissatisfaction, I don't speak. I don't know how long it would take for me to calm down, maybe it'll take a really long time, but I would take initiative to please her again, unless the problem is hard to patch up.

M: That's good. You know how to look at the big picture. Have you failed to pursue a girl before?

K: Usually if I can't pursue her, then I'll stop.

M: Why? You're a seun poon! (best deal)

K: I know myself. Some guys pursue any type of girl, but I won't! Sometimes I'm scared, seun poon is just what people say to be polite.

M: I'm very healthy, haven't been hurt from a relationship before.

K: Have you dated before? Your only rumor is Him Law!

M: I've been out for 10 years! I've been in a relationship before.

K: How long ago?

M: I already entered the industry. In fact, I benefited from each relationship. That time, we were in different positions. Some people ask me whether I would choose a boyfriend from the industry or out of the industry. Basically I don't have an answer, just as long as we click. My ex-boyfriend really tried to please me, treated me like a princess, but looking back, I would like better communication. When two people cannot chat about the innermost feelings, but its all just spiritual satisfaction, then its really hard to continue the relationship. But, I don't know how we dated for 4 years.


Mandy and Kenneth, one is optimistic and the other is quiet. Theoretically, it would be hard for them to click, but never thought when they come together, there is chemistry between them. That day during the photo shoot, Mandy kept trying to get Kenneth to play with her, pretending to kiss and making all sorts of silly poses. Not long after, she was able to melt the boring Kenneth. During the interview, Kenneth instantly turned into a chatterbox and showed the humorous side of him. This was all accomplished by Mandy!

Source: Oriental Daily
Translated by: aZnangel @ AsianEU Forum

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